5 Ways to Upkeep your Boat for Longevity

Boating is something that you accumulate knowledge for over time. It’s not something that necessarily clicks right away. However, LSK Lebanon wants to make sure that no matter how much knowledge you have about boating, that you at least can be an expert when it comes to maintenance.

Maintaining your boat becomes less effort when taking the correct precautions from the get-go. That way, you don’t have to invest more money trying to fix your boat down the road. Despite what you might think, boat maintenance is easier than you think…

1. Purchase a quality boat

Cheaper may be better when it comes to other things, but when it comes to boat shopping you can get great quality and good deals at the same time.

At LSK Lebanon, we can help put you in a great top-quality brand within a decent price range. Purchasing a quality toy will help your boating life last longer.

2. Store your boat correctly

When it comes wintertime, your boat most likely will not be in use. Leaving your boat uncovered for that long period of time can affect its longevity.

Remember to absorb all possible water before putting into storage. There are dehumidifiers you can get for your boat, as well, to help in the absorption process.

Covering your boat is another great idea. Some even will shrink wrap their boats when they know they won’t be using their boat for a couple of months.

3. Walk before you run

Our first instinct when we buy a new motor toy is to go fast. We can relate to this instinct, however, make sure that you also cruise, as well.

This sounds like strange advice, we know. However, believe it or not, boat engines do not do as well at high usage for long periods of time.

4. Keep up on regular maintenance

Just like a car, boats need regular maintenance and attention.

Here is a small list to pay attention to:

  • Oil
  • Electrical systems
  • Steering movement
  • Propeller
  • Hull
  • Battery


Life gets busy and things happen, but after making a huge purchase on something like a boat, USE IT. Besides us wanting you to have fun, we also don’t want your boat engine to be idle for too long. 

After working with LSK, we are confident that you’ll have the best and longest boating experience possible. We cannot wait until you start cruising the Lake for a long time coming!

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